You are a company of one. You have got a modest budget and you would like to work from home office for yourself. If you lived in the 1930s, your options might be limited to something like tailoring. Thanks to internet & its industry, you don’t have to prick yourself and look cross-eyed trying to thread a needle. There are many internet business opportunities to pursue for a decent living, remain independent and be productive.
Companies exist out there to provide internet business opportunities for people seeking to start a small internet business right from home. Running your own business comes with great freedom of choice, responsibility, challenge, risk and reward. Here are some obvious choices and a few away from the curve.
1. Web Portals
This an amalgam of different internet business opportunities rolled into one. Blogs, article posts, advertising, search engines and even web-mail. You can make your website look just like Yahoo. If you can get hold of multiple authors for writing articles, gossip, news, book reviewers, this is your zone. A Web Portal is for you. It will keep you busy, offer you the flexibility and you will be aware of all the trends in the market.
2. Ad Server
Digital Advertising is not just for the big players. You can run your own Google AdWords and it won’t cost you billions to setup. With an ad server, you can run your own advertising server to let publishers rent from you and advertisers post content either on your website or on a publisher’s site. You can run an ad server and you needn’t advertise by yourself or even publish.
3. Search Engines
Now, this is not for everyone. Private search engines offer a unique set of search results to a niche audience. Google doesn’t pursue such niche markets. They are interested in the rest of the world so this market is up for grabs. Know your niche and offer them results. Revenue from this internet business opportunity lies in advertising.
4. eCommerce Portal
You don’t have to have anything to sell. Let others sell right from your domain. Keep a cut from the sale. If you do have something to sell, make a name for yourself with your own shopping portal. You can also offer some white space for advertising. Another revenue source.
5. Music/Video Portals
Now these are different from regular web portals. If you have a love for music and/or want to promote your band, local bands or other up and coming bands, you can always have your own portal to promote it. This is a dedicated portal that offer videos, music samples and info about artists, albums and more.
There are certainly other opportunities out there but in an ever-growing digital world, we keep a lookout for better opportunities to provide you with one.
Author: Sunil Thomas